10 Most Messed Up Deaths In Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

3. Torah Ziyal - Sacrifice Of Angels

Star Trek Deep Space Nine Torah Ziyal RIP
CBS Media Ventures

Meeting her father was the beginning of the end for Torah Ziyal, even if that meeting did, for a while, see a dramatic improvement in her situation. When she was discovered, she was labouring as a Breen prisoner, then quickly found herself (after a brief moment of potential murder by her father) free and travelling the stars.

Dukat even went to bat for her, declaring her as his legitimate daughter, losing his status in society by doing so. Not that this did Ziyal many favours as she then was forced to serve with him, first on the freighter Groumall, then later as part of his one man war against the Klingons.

She eventually settled on Deep Space Nine, developing a relationship with Garak, much to her father's disgust. Despite a brief period of blindness to the crimes of the Dominion, she joined Major Kira's resistance movement. Upon learning this, Damar killed her in an instant, firing his phaser over her father's shoulder. She died in Dukat's arms, looking shocked at her fate right through the last moment. 

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick