10 Most Messed Up Deaths In Star Trek: Enterprise

7. Death By Decompression (Right Outside Her Front Door) - Azati Prime

Star Trek Enterprise Sim and Archer
CBS Media Ventures
Just remember me. Is that asking so much?

Taylor was one of Trip's team who was killed by the Xindi as a result of the battle of Azati Prime. The section she was in decompressed, blasting the unfortunate occupants out into space. She died within inches of her quarters, expelled into a vacuum, but that wasn't the end. 

Trip, wracked with guilt over her passing, was visited in his dreams by her apparition. This trauma refused to lift as, in her, he saw not just the wasted potential of a dead officer, but the faces of everyone else who had perished under his command. Taylor became the avatar for how commanding officers dealt with or failed to deal with, the loss of people under them.

Trip's dream is stark, depicted in hues of cold blue. Though the man understands he is asleep, Taylor refuses to let up. She doesn't blame him in any way but she does chastise him for forgetting details about her. He headhunted her, he used to say she would make a fine engineer - all of these are true, yet they were all far from his mind when she confronted him. 

Taylor may not have had the biggest role on Enterprise, but in her small scene, she managed to offer the audience a face to the nameless officers who perished during the mission. The manner of her death was cruel, yet the impact of her death was nothing short of crucial.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick