10 Most Messed Up Deaths In Star Trek: Enterprise

6. Assimilation Before It Was Cool - Regeneration

Star Trek Enterprise Sim and Archer
CBS Media Ventures

How messed up must it be to be assimilated - before the Borg had even been invented? That's just damned unlucky if you ask us! 

While assimilation isn't exactly death (see: Locutus, Seven Of Nine, Hugh) it is often a hopeless existence. To be connected to the hive mind, all traces of individuality are erased, though one remains aware of what is happening around them. Could assimilation be the death of the soul? 

When the Borg were reawakened in the Arctic Circle (time travel, just go with it) they quickly overpowered and assimilated the research team. This led to them taking a ship, assimilating Tarkalian traders, and very nearly assimilating Dr. Phlox. Enterprise is tasked with hunting the Borg down - something it was badly underprepared for in the 22nd Century.

Though the drones are destroyed, there is little more horrific than existing as a Drone, depending on which version of the Collective we're speaking about. By the early 25th Century, it seems to be a blissful place that's just...just great. But in the 22nd Century, it was stark, it was horrible, it was the death of freedom. 

Regeneration, and we've said it before, truly made the Borg - and what they do - terrifying again. 

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick