10 Most Messed Up Deaths In Star Trek: Enterprise

5. Massive Cellular Disruption - Burrows

Star Trek Enterprise Sim and Archer
CBS Media Ventures

When one is killed in the line of duty, there's rarely a good way to go. Sure, there are those methods that might scream honour or glory, but when you get right down to the nitty-gritty of it, the poor soul is still dead at the end of the day. One could maybe hope that their death contributes to a greater good. You have to wonder if Burrows even had time to hope for that.

When Emory Erickson came aboard Enterprise in Deadalus, he was heralded as a genius. He was the human inventor of the transporter, a visionary and someone who had a direct impact on space travel. He was also harbouring a secret, one that sadly saw the end of this young officer.

Burrows was killed by a manifestation of Quinn Erickson's transporter signal. Erickson, son of the inventor, had been lost in a sub-atomic transport, though his pattern continued to exist in the form of physical disturbances in space. His father concocted a ruse to bring the ship out to the Barrens, the area of space in which the accident occurred. 

Rather than saving his son, Emory was indirectly responsible for the horrific death of Burrows. His cells, melted as they were, resulted in a grusome tableau for Reed to discover. It was a sad addition to the tragedy of Erickson's legacy. 

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick