10 Most Paused Star Trek Moments

7. Enterprise Decontamination Scene(s)

Star Trek Commander Remmick

Star Trek: Enterprise - Season 1, Episode 1

The need for decontamination scenes in Enterprise arose from the lack of transporters in the early episodes. The true story is much more simple: sex sells. The image above is from the pilot of Enterprise, Broken Bow. The camera shots linger on Trip's biceps and T'Pol's chest. There is no ambiguity here!

During the show, T'Pol would return to the chamber many times. Hoshi would also visit, along with Trip, Archer and Reed. The scenes can feel silly but they are effective in showing off the cast's physique.

There is also no argument to the fact that they make a compelling selling point for the show. Enterprise knew how to grab attention, coming at the end of the Berman era of Trek, but as TV was slowly becoming more risque. Did it handle this in a subtle way? Absolutely not. Does it do exactly what it set out to do?

Without a doubt!

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick