10 Most Paused Star Trek Moments

6. How Many Decks?

Star Trek Commander Remmick
Paramount Pictures

Star Trek V: The Final Frontier

This film is better than the criticisms leveled at it. While it is both indulgent and suffers from a lack of appropriately used budget, it is still a fun adventure with Kirk, Spock and McCoy. In fact, part of this adventure is what lands on this list.

How many decks does the Enterprise have, exactly? This is a well known mistake in the production of the film that has become one of the most paused moments in the franchise. Which deck are they passing now? Didn't they pass that one already?

Kirk and McCoy climb the ladder past decks 12 and 13, before Spock joins them with rocket boots. They hop on and up they go - passed deck 52, 64, 52, and 77.

Wait now. What kind of design is in this ship? The number of times that this scene was paused to count the decks probably matches the supposed floors on this enormous ship. The Enterprise-D, which dwarfed the Constitution class, certainly didn't have 77 decks.

How many mezzenaine floors are on this ship?

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick