10 Most Paused Star Trek Moments

5. Millennium Falcon

Star Trek Commander Remmick

Star Trek: First Contact

In this eighth film, the Battle of Sector 001 is the first big moment. Like the Battle of Wolf 359, this saw Starfleet taking on the Borg, although it was finally realized thanks to a big movie budget. Director Jonathan Frakes wisely put the battle in the beginning of the film to open with a bang.

Several new ships were introduced here, including the Akira, Steamrunner, Sabre, Norway, and... Corellian Freighter.

The ship was included by John Knoll, the ILM visual effects supervisor. He worked on Star Trek: First Contact and had also worked on the special editions of the original Star Wars trilogy. He inserted the new digitally created Millenium Falcon into the battle as a joke. This has led to audiences attempting to pause their films to confirm that it is really there. This has become a little easier with streaming.

The ship really is present, though blink-and-you'll-miss it hardly does it justice. As seen in the shot above, it zooms just under one of the Akira class vessels, away from the Borg Cube. Whether it survived the assault is unknown at this time!

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick