10 Most Powerful Weapons In Star Trek

4. Tantalus Field

Tr118 DS9

This fearsome weapon could make the owner's enemies disappear in an instant. Its existence was a closely guarded secret, known only to Captain James T. Kirk of the ISS Enterprise and to Marlena Moreau, his mistress. It was she who suggested turning it against the Captain's enemies, unaware that he had been replaced with his Prime Universe counterpart.

Kirk's enemies had a tendency to vanish, which had allowed him to gain a reputation of notoriety. He was in for a nasty shock once both the mirror and prime Kirk's returned to their homes. Before leaving, prime Kirk informed Spock of the machine. He claimed that with it, the Vulcan could affect real change in the Empire.

An abandoned story for Star Trek: Enterprise would have revealed that the field didn't simply make people disappear but transported them through time. The crew of Enterprise would have discovered that Mirror Kirk had been transported by Spock to the mid-2100s, which would have allowed for William Shatner to guest on the series. Unfortunately, the idea was scrapped.

The only other Field seen in the franchise was in Emporer Georgiou's quarters, which she used to keep a close eye on Michael Burnham.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick