10 Most Powerful Weapons In Star Trek

3. Houdini Mines

Tr118 DS9

These nasty mines were used by the Dominion, and the Federation, during the Siege of AR558. The massive relay station was the only reason for Starfleet to fortify their position on the captured planet in the Chin'toka system. Unfortunately, the entire area was populated with these horrors.

They were impossible to detect as they spent their time pre-detonation in subspace. They would wait there until something triggered them. By the time that Sisko arrived with the crew of the Defiant, that trigger was still a mystery to the soldiers in place. Ezri Dax and Lieutenant Kellan discovered a way to find them, though that then led to a massacre.

To Dax's horror, Sisko requested that the mines be moved, rather than disarmed. He wanted to use them against the Jem'hadar forces, which recon scouts had discovered were far greater in numbers than the Starfleet ones. He also requested that they be triggered by movement, but also lots of movement, which would give the enemy time to get themselves surrounded before the explosion began.

The plan works and is most probably the reason that Starfleet holds its position on the planet. Thankfully, it is the last time that these weapons were seen.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick