10 Most Ridiculously Convoluted Plans By Doctor Who Villains

10. The Cybermen, The Moonbase

The Cybermen €“ a race of logical cyborgs who survive by converting other lifeforms - want to invade the base on the moon that controls the world€™s weather via a Gravitron, so they can destroy life on earth by altering its weather. Their plan to achieve this is as follows: Break into the base€™s food storage area, taking care to prevent killing everyone on the base by blocking the hole with lots of bags. Once inside, place a virus inside the food that will put the victims into a coma. Choose, from all the possible options available to you, to place said virus in the base€™s sugar, and no other foodstuff. Take the coma patients and dead bodies from the medical ward to your spaceship €“ presumably kitting the not-dead ones out with spacesuits so they don€™t die en route €“ and make sure no one notices their absence by putting Cybermen in their beds (covered with sheets, of course, except for their feet). Use mind control on the virus victims so they do your bidding, and use them to gain control of the base. When this initial plan is defeated, the Cybermen regroup, destroy the base€™s communications aerial, and then attack the base with a big laser. This, in possibly the most Doctor Who thing that will ever happen, is then thwarted using a tea tray.
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