10 Most Shocking Moments On ER

5. Mark Lets The Shooter Die

ER Lucy Knight

Mark went through a hell of a time in ER. There could easily be a list of just his experiences alone. However, for this list, the seventh season finale Rampage makes the list.

Derek Fossen, the father of an abused boy who has since been put in foster care, goes on a shooting spree around the city - targeting anyone who was involved in taking his son away. Greene, Corday and their baby Ella are on his list, but he is apprehended (and shot) before being able to reach their home.

Fossen is brought to the hospital, stablised and is to be brought up to the OR. However, he is locked in the elevator with Greene. Fossen begins to code, and Greene needs to shock him to stay alive.

Mark watches, holding the paddles in the air, shocking nothing once, twice, three times.

Fossen looks on in fear and then in horror, before dying from his wounds.

As the season ends on this scene, it was one of the most jaw-dropping moments that Greene was involved in, and one hell of a cliffhanger to go out on.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick