10 Most Sought After Doctor Who Missing Episodes

3. The Daleks' Masterplan

Doctor Who William Hartnell TARDIS Susan Ian Barbara
BBC Studios

For fans of the Daleks and the William Hartnell era, this serial is considered to be the holy grail of Doctor Who missing episodes. The story is not only the pay-off for the aforementioned Mission To The Unknown, but has the Doctor and companions face off against the Daleks over 12 episodes in a plot to save the universe from a super weapon known as the Time Destructor.

The history of this serial's production is almost as interesting as the serial itself, as it featured Doctor Who’s first ever Christmas episode. Titled The Feast Of Steven, this episode was was wiped along with the rest of the serial between late 1967 and 1969.

Unlike the rest of the episodes in this serial, The Feast Of Steven was not included for sale overseas. This gives it the sad honour of being the only episode with no possible chance of ever being recovered.

Episodes 2, 5 and 10 have since been returned to the BBC’s archive and give us a tantalising glimpse into this long lost epic. With the serial only being sold overseas to Australia - who never actually screened the story - The Daleks' Masterplan is the least likely missing story to have a chance of being found.

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