10 Most Underrated Star Trek Episodes
5. Similitude - Star Trek Enterprise
Enterprise's third season was an enormous step forward for the show. The uncertainty of what it was supposed to be had settled roughly midway through the second season and the Xindi Arc gave it a direction that it sorely needed.
There are many excellent episodes that can go a little unnoticed due to the overall strength of this season, yet Similitude is an episode that deserves to be in any top ten list of Enterprise's rankings. The episode revolves around the creation of a short-lived clone of Trip and the ethical and moral dilemma that places the crew in when he wishes to survive.
It is an episode of pure Star Trek - what governs the right to life and who is allowed to make that call? The fact that Archer makes the decision that he does is another sign of how confident Enterprise had become as a series. It is unmissable television.