10 Most Underrated Star Trek Episodes
4. In The Cards - Star Trek Deep Space Nine

This episode is the penultimate episode of Deep Space Nine's fifth season, right before the Dominion War Arc kicks into high gear. This lighthearted episode follows Jake trying to win a Willie Mays baseball card for his Dad, enlisting Nog to help him along the way. Together, the two men have to beg, borrow and barter with most of the station, brightening many peoples' moods.
Even the Dominion play their part in the episode, with the pair of them being brought before Weyoun to explain their strange behaviour. There is very little at stake in the episode and so it is, in some ways, a skippable episode - while still standing as a heartwarming episode about Jake and Ben's relationship, and Jake and Nog's friendship.
There's not much to see here - except a nice episode, full of nice gestures.