10 Questions About The X-Men TV Show

6. What About The Costumes?

Superhero costumes have becoming something of a sticking point in recent years. For decades the idea that characters would go about their business in brightly coloured spandex was never questioned, the pants-over-tights combo derived from strongmen of the Depression Era America where the genre started. Recently, though, there's been a tendency to be down on the tights. Superman doesn't have his pants over his tights any more. Batman's costume €“ in the comics, games and movies €“ now resembles more of a suit of high-tech military-grade armour than anything approaching a superhero costume. All of which is at least partly the fault of the first X-Men film, where all the characters wore Matrix-inspired black leather suits. Cyclops even chided Wolverine about preferring €œyellow spandex€. Fox's Fantastic Four film doesn't seem to involve costumes, either. So does that mean the X-Men TV series will be devoid of tights?
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/