10 Reasons 2015 Is The Perfect Year To Become A Doctor Who Fan

3. Peter Capaldi

The Twelfth Doctor has been a resounding success. The man behind the Doctor has been praised by many as a real throw back to the original series - something that has appeased those who felt that Nine, Ten and Eleven were a little bit too flirty. The Twelfth Doctor, whilst abrasive and abrupt, can show glimpses of care and affection, especially for those he actually cares about. He even managed to warm to Danny Pink, if only for the sake of Clara€™s happiness. It helps, of course, that Peter Capaldi also happens to be a real Doctor Who fan. The same can€™t be said for some who were considered for the role before Capaldi was announced. As a devotee himself, he knows all to well what fans want and he delivers it in bucket loads. His performances have the perfect balance of awkwardness and brilliance. He€™s a Doctor who fits in by not fitting in. For my fans, Peter Capaldi could well be the best Doctor ever - and that is saying something! For new fans, joining the show now will give them a feel of the original series whilst keeping true to the direction NuWho has taken since its return. Listen hard enough and you€™ll even hear glimpses of the Fourth Doctor during Twelve's conversations with himself. Most of all, new fans will be treated to performances that are truly worthy of the Doctor Who name and a man in the TARDIS who fits in perfectly with his surroundings.
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Doctor Who, WWE and Liverpool fan with a huge vocab... vocabu... who knows a lot of cool words.