10 Reasons To Revisit The Colin Baker Era Of Doctor Who

8. Plenty Of Famous Guest Stars

Doctor Who Colin Baker Sixth Doctor
BBC Studios

One of the highlights of Six's run is the amount of guest stars that were included in the show to try and increase its popularity. This era has jokingly been dubbed by fans "the Blake's 7 reunion era", as John Nathan-Turner cast many of the most popular actors from the cult sci-fi classic during his time.

Arguably the most iconic Blake's 7 actors, Jacqueline Pearce and Paul Darrow, both appear and give excellent villainous performances in Season 22. Brian Blessed also appears for a gloriously over-the-top outing in Season 23.

The best and most important guest stars in Colin's tenure came in The Two Doctors, in which Patrick Troughton reprises his role as the Second Doctor, along with Frazer Hines as Jamie McCrimmon. Despite having aged almost 20 years since his last appearance in the show, Troughton effortlessly slips back into the part of the Doctor, with him and Baker having incredible chemistry together in this serial.

The Two Doctors is a real high point of classic Doctor Who, proving to be a huge hit with viewers who eagerly tuned in to see what would sadly be Troughton's last appearance as the Doctor.

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