10 Reasons Why Doctor Who Fans Should Give Martha Jones A Break

2. She Literally Walked The Earth

The Doctor's companions often go above and beyond to protect their beloved Doctor but none of them can quite claim to have walked the entire Earth in order to save him. Enter Miss Martha Jones. Suffice to say, things were looking very dire indeed for our titular Time Lord - him and the rest of the enslaved human race - in 2007's climactic Series 3 finale, Last of the Time Lords, when the Master had unleashed his latest tyranny of terror upon the world (it wasn't his first and it certainly wouldn't be his last) and it fell on to the shoulders of the now more than capable Martha Jones to save the day. Thankfully for us, she was more than ready to take on the challenge as she single-handedly embarked on a voyage that would span the breadth of the whole planet as part of her mission to reinstate the Doctor to his rightful glory. To cut a very long story short, by this the Doctor had been transformed into an aged and ancient version of his former self (it was kind of like a timey-wimey mix between Gollum and a withered Oompa Loompa, only it wasn't really like that at all) and Martha relied on the power of the spoken word - combined with the Master's mind controlling Archangel Network, which is how her plan actually worked - to free the Doctor from his new found (bird)cage. Talk about putting all of your eggs in one basket. Her tremendous efforts paid off, though, and Earth was ultimately saved when time was reversed to become what would be known (by... erm... nobody) as The Year That Never Was. You could say Martha never even walked the Earth in the first place, but she still did and her legs would no doubt be able to vouch for that. Tumblr Mimu2qrqdy1riw23so6 R1 250 Gif
Doctor Who Editor
Doctor Who Editor

Dan Butler is the Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture.com. When he isn't writing his own articles or editing other people's, he can be found trawling the internet for gifs of Steven Moffat laughing. Contact him via dan.butler@whatculture.co.uk.