10 Reasons Why What You Leave Behind Is The Best Star Trek Finale

6. The Montage

Star Trek What You Leave Behind

Though there was every chance that this could have come off as a bit cheesey, the montage that sees out the series is a touching, beautiful goodbye to this seven year run.

O'Brien finds a missing character from his model of the Alamo, causing him to reflect back on all of the times that he spent with Bashir. Odo and Quark reminisce about their many struggles with each other and Worf thinks on his time on the station (though sadly any footage of Terry Farrell was omitted).

Deep Space Nine, perhaps moreso than any other series in the franchise, spent more time exploring the secondary characters and their families so, when the show was coming to an end, there were more arcs that needed resolution. This was a double edged sword, as some were left a little up in the air. The sudden departures of Odo, Worf, O'Brien and Sisko were shocking in their own rights.

However, set to the tune of the Minstrel Boy, the song that O'Brien sings with Captain Maxwell all the way back in The Wounded, the scene plays out with smiles, sadness and closure as our favourite crew breaks apart for the very last time. Hard to believe there was a dry eye in the house.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick