10 Recent TV Moments That Made No Sense

9. Jocelyn Was In Control The Entire Time - The Idol

Hijack Amanda

No TV show has proven quite so controversial this year as HBO's The Idol, which made troubling headlines months before its premiere due to extensive behind-the-scenes issues, resulting in a large bulk of the series being reshot.

It finally released to generally scathing reviews over the summer, despite some scattered praise for Lily-Rose Depp's performance as embattled pop star Jocelyn, yet ultimately saved its most WTF moment of all for the very last episode.

Throughout the show, the audience is led to believe that Jocelyn has been ensnared and exploited by sleazeball nightclub owner Tedros (Abel Tesfaye, aka The Weeknd), but the big twist reveals that this wasn't quite the truth.

Rather, it's implied that Jocelyn has been lying about her late mother's abusive behaviour in order to trap Tedros and win the sympathy of her legion of fans, effectively allowing her to become the cult leader which Tedros has been painted as over the course of the season.

It's an amusing idea which could theoretically come off as empowering for Jocelyn, yet given the overall storytelling deficiencies on offer here, it can't help but feel convoluted and manipulative in the worst way.

If Jocelyn lied about being abused, it ultimately raises a ton more questions about the internal logic of both the story and Jocelyn herself, rather than merely inviting audiences to rewatch the series within an intriguing new context.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.