10 Revived TV Shows That Should Have Stayed Dead

7. Still Open All Hours

Open All Hours was a classic BBC sitcom starring Ronnie Barker and David Jason, and followed a stingy shopkeeper and his idiot assistant. The show relied heavily on the chemistry between the two stars, so why anybody thought it would be a good idea to dig it up for a sequel series thirty years later is a mystery yet to be solved.

Barker passed away in 2005, leaving it up to Jason to front the show. What followed was a relic from a bygone era that leant heavily on outdated humour, and while it was fairly good-natured and inoffensive the lame gags would have been old hat back in the seventies.

While the existence of the sequel is a sad footnote for the show it still attracted strong numbers, and a third series is set to air in 2016.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.