10 Revived TV Shows That Should Have Stayed Dead

6. Ironside

Ironside reboot

Ironside was another reboot of a classic detective show that looked doomed out of the gate, with various protests being levelled at the decision to cast an able-bodied actor in a part that could have gone to a disabled performer. Then people rolled their eyes at the pictures of new star Blair Underwood, and the attempt to turn Ironside into a sexier character; Raymond Burr would not approve.

The knives were already out for Ironside, so when it turned out to be even worse than people expected critics had a fun time tearing it apart. While Underwood got some good notes for his performance, everything from the storylines to the supporting characters came in for heavy criticism. The main complaint €“- above all else -€“ is it was just very, very boring.

The show only aired three episodes before being dropped, which is the show'€™s most impressive achievement.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.