10 Science Fiction TV Episodes To Watch While Pregnant

4. Enterprise €“ Unexpected

No matter what level of support and patience our spouses/partners may have with us (save for relationships where both spouses are able to conceive), there is always that part of the brain that yells, "You don't know what it's like! You can't possibly know!" Oh, how funny would it be to see those tables turned? This episode of Enterprise cashes in on that idea. While assisting an alien ship with repairs, Commander "Trip" Tucker bonds closely with the ship's female engineer. Back on Enterprise, Trip suddenly finds himself with a bigger appetite than usual, among other symptoms. He goes to sick bay and receives the shocking news, that he is in fact pregnant. To a pregnant woman, the gender-role-reversal that follows is quite satisfying to see unfold. Trip begins to worry endlessly about the ship's suitability for a child (portraying the Nesting Instinct) and finds himself the subject of questions and sideways looks (something not uncommon to feel when ones pregnancy does not abide by "traditional" family norms). Though Enterprise begins to pursue the alien vessel, Captain Archer warns Trip that he will have to raise the child himself if they cannot find it. "I never had any intention of becoming a working mother," is his reply. And with that sentence he realizes the sort of worries women have to experience in regards to pregnancy, that he never thought of before as a man.

Sarah is a twenty-something film school graduate and mother-to-be from Arizona. She loves to write and is currently working on a novel that may be finished sometime in the next fifty years. Doctor Who, Star Trek, Final Fantasy, and Supernatural are among her various obsessions.