10 Shocking New Doctor Who Era Cliffhangers

3. Return Of The Time Lords (The End Of Time, Part One)

Doctor Who Utopia Cliffhanger

David Tennant was about to leave, alongside showrunner Russell T Davies, so it was decided that The End of Time would be big, epic, and deeply emotional. This would be the first (and only time) a Christmas Special would leave its audience with a cliff-hanger, and by heck was it a doozy.

Not only had the Master been resurrected by his followers, but he’d managed to get his hands on a dangerous piece of alien technology. Through the Immortality Gate, the Master was able to project himself onto every person across the planet, creating a Master race. Yeah, the Tenth Doctor was certainly at a low point in his life during this moment, amongst all the other mopping and depression he’d displayed prior to this.

Unbeknownst to them, a narrator watched over these events. This person turned out to be Rassilon! On the very last day of the Time War, the Time Lords stood tall and prepared for their grand return to the universe. This moment was so shocking and impactful, given it was the first time the Time Lords had been featured in the New Series, and it was an exciting prospect knowing they’d soon be coming back (even if it was only briefly).

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Loving husband and full-time nerd. My pastime is analysing and sharing my thoughts on things. I dabble with video games, enjoy a good horror movie, and love my superhero content. And Doctor Who is my favourite show of all times.