10 Shocking New Doctor Who Era Cliffhangers

2. Bill Is A Cyberman (World Enough And Time)

Doctor Who Utopia Cliffhanger

Bill Potts certainly acted as a breath of fresh air when it came to re-establishing the quintessential companion. It was also nice to see her relationship with the Twelfth Doctor feel more akin to the days of Classic Who, a more teacher/student dynamic. That’s why it was such a punch to the gut witnessing what happened to Bill throughout the course of World Enough and Time.

First of all, she warned the Twelfth Doctor not to trust Missy, resulting in her blundered attempt to be the Doctor to get out of hand, and poor Bill was shot point blank in the process. Then she was taken to the lower levels of the mysterious space-craft, only to then be manipulated by the Master in disguise, whilst she suffered greatly with the false promise of the Twelfth Doctor coming to rescue her.

Everything essentially fell apart for her by the end. The Master revealed his true colours, and Bill was experimented on. What’s worse, Bill was witness to the evolving events of the Mondasians, as they slowly upgraded themselves in a hellish fashion in order to survive. Tragically, this would now become Bill’s fate also. By the time the Twelfth Doctor arrived to save his companion (hindered by the time distortion from the black hole) he was greeted by not only the Master, but also a fully converted Bill. Seriously, that cliff-hanger was so messed up!

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Loving husband and full-time nerd. My pastime is analysing and sharing my thoughts on things. I dabble with video games, enjoy a good horror movie, and love my superhero content. And Doctor Who is my favourite show of all times.