10 Shocking New Doctor Who Era Cliffhangers

4. A Trap Within A Trap (The Pandorica Opens)

Doctor Who Utopia Cliffhanger
BBC Studios

Throughout Series 5, Steven Moffat cleverly incorporated a simplistic recurring theme of cracks in space and time cropping up everywhere. This all came to a head when the Eleventh Doctor was drawn to a mysterious box underneath Stonehenge called the Pandorica. If it’s one thing that catches the Doctor’s attention, it’s a good old fashioned mystery, naturally pulling forth his wild curiosity.

Of course, things started to happen that made you wonder what exactly was going on. Firstly, Rory was miraculously alive (having been wiped from reality), and living a life as a Roman soldier, while River was drawn off course to Amy’s home. Here, she discovered something had broken in, as well as the curious notion that everything currently happening related to stories that Amy had been reading since she was a child.

This, in turn, resulted in one of the biggest shocks in Doctor Who’s long history. The Pandorica wasn’t a prison containing some feared mythological power, which the Doctor’s greatest enemies wanted to obtain, but rather the perfect prison that his greatest enemies had put together for him. Fearing the cracks will destroy the universe - which will be caused by the TARDIS exploding - they decided to seal the Doctor away to prevent this. However, this ultimately caused the chain of events that led to that shocking outcome.

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Loving husband and full-time nerd. My pastime is analysing and sharing my thoughts on things. I dabble with video games, enjoy a good horror movie, and love my superhero content. And Doctor Who is my favourite show of all times.