10 Smartest Doctor Who Characters

7. Davros

Doctor Who Omega
BBC Studios

Once head of the Kaled Scientific Elite, during the Kaled and Thal war on Skaro, Davros was the worlds “greatest scientist”. In order to break the conflict, Davros designed the Mark III Travel Machine, a device he would later name a Dalek… As inventor of probably the worst creation the Whoniverse has ever seen, Davros lived in infamy.

Davros was left in a critical condition after a Thal bombardment on his laboratory. The result left him without his left arm and entire lower half of his body, reducing him to spend his remaining days in a chariot.

In terms of will, Davros could be one of the strongest characters in Doctor Who. On several occasions Davros has been killed, sometimes by his own creations, but through his sheer will, and help from his chariot, Davros has survived. When he first sustained his injuries, he was offered a poison that would end his suffering, he refused. Before his accident, Davros had a highly intelligent and sound mind. However, the accident left him a megalomaniac.

While like many villains in the series, Davros has been defeated, usually by the Doctor, that doesn’t make him any less intelligent. He’s out witted the Doctor on several occasions, and even created a weapon which would shred reality down to its very atoms (but we won’t open that can of plot holes here). Such a device is never going to be achievable without some serious intelligence. This was Davros masterplan, moving 27 planets to the Medusa Cascade, hiding a second out of sync with the universe, and even creating the device in the first place. After all his hard work it’s a shame Davros is defeated.

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