10 'So Bad It's Good' Classic Doctor Who Stories

4. Time And The Rani - 1987

Doctor Who Sylvester McCoy Seventh Doctor Paradise Towers
BBC Studios

Despite his best efforts, Sylvester McCoy's 1987 debut will have you in stitches with its terrible script, and the lowest-effort regeneration scene of all time.

Indeed, Time and the Rani gets off to a bad start, as it begins with the regeneration of Sixth Doctor Colin Baker. The problem was that Colin was so cheesed-off with the BBC after his firing from the show, that he refused to return to film his regeneration scene. As a result, McCoy filmed the scene pretending to be Baker in a very obvious blonde wig, making it easily the laziest regeneration in the show's history.

The rest of Time and the Rani features the return of renegade Time Lord the Rani, who polishes this weak script with an unbelievable amount of late '80s camp. The Rani then attempts to assemble the greatest minds in history in order to build a time manipulator to control time anywhere in the universe.

Despite the lacklustre plot and dialogue, McCoy gives a brilliant performance in this perfect masterpiece of camp television.

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