10 Star Trek Actors Who Died In 2020

8. Anthony James

Ben Cross Star Trek

Star Trek: The Next Generation's first season came to a close with the return of the Romulans, one of the major antagonists of the Original Series. Much attention was directed, and rightly so, to Mark Alaimo's Romulan Tebok, but the officer sitting to the side of him was oft forgotten. This actor's name was Anthony James.

He, along with Alaimo, had the honour of debuting the updated look for the Romulans in Star Trek. The disctinctive bowl cut and V-shaped ridges on the brow would become a staple of Romulan appearance for much of the next two decades.

James was a prolific actor, with his first film appearance being in the Best Picture winning film, In The Heat Of The Night. The majority of his career would be taken up with villainous roles in Westerns, although he also made appearances in Buck Rogers in the 25th Century, Beauty and the Beast, the A-Team and Charlie's Angels.

He appeared in several more films, with his final film appearance being in another Best Picture Winner - Clint Eastwood's Unforgiven. At this point, he retired from acting. He would go on to publish a book of art and poetry in 1994, Language of the Heart, and an autobiography, Acting My Face, in 2014.

He passed away on 26th May 2020 from cancer. He was 77 years old.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick