10 Star Trek Actors Who Died In 2020

2. Ben Cross

Ben Cross Star Trek
CBS Media Ventures / Paramount Pictures

When Nero created the alternate timeline (lovingly dubbed the Kelvinverse), there came with it a few big changes. One of those changes with that Ambassador Sarek was now played by Ben Cross. His deep resonance was evocative of Mark Lenard's portrayal, while, despite his brief amount of screentime, he managed to create an entirely new take on the character - serving as a role model for Zachary Quinto's Spock.

Cross made his feature film debut in 1977's A Bridge Too Far, though he may be best known for his role in Chariots of Fire. He would then go on to have dozens of appearances and roles in other features and television productions. He appeared alongside Alexander Siddig in the TV movie Hannibal, where they played rivals. He appeared alongside Marina Sirtis in a production of Grendel as well. He would even go on to star in the short-lived revival of Dark Shadows, as the Vampire Barnabus.

He was originally in the running for the part of Benjamin Sisko on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.

He passed away on 18 August 2020 after a short illness. He was 72 years old.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick