10 Star Trek Characters Who Came Back From The Dead

6. Spock

Star Trek Lower Decks Shax
Paramount Pictures

This is, of course, the granddaddy of all resurrections in Star Trek. Spock's return was a gift of the character's popularity, as well as some last-minute thinking from Nicholas Meyer and Leonard Nimoy. Spock had originally been slated to die in Star Trek II: The Wrath Of Khan and stay dead, but there was rather a lot of miscommunication on the topic.

Leonard Nimoy had not been as keen to leave the role as many feared, so his mind-meld with McCoy was added to the script. Then, as Nimoy explained in the making of The Search For Spock, he had a job to convince Michael Eisner, then-head of Paramount Pictures, that he actually did respect the role and the character. Convince him he did, and Spock was on the way back.

After that, it was the relatively straightforward plan to regenerate his body on the newly-minted surface of Genesis, then transport it back to Vulcan, where the Fal Tor Pan ceremony would reunite him with his mind. Easy. And all it cost was the life of David Marcus. 

We're not exactly sure that's a bargain.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick