10 Star Trek Characters Who Came Back From The Dead

5. Jean-Luc Picard

Star Trek Lower Decks Shax
CBS Media Ventures

When it appears that Jack Crusher is also set to suffer from irumodic syndrome, he asks his father how he had survived it. 

'I didn't,' Picard answered sadly.

The first season of Star Trek: Picard saw the former admiral's body finally shut down, artificial heart and all, succumbing to what everyone believed was an acute case of irumodic syndrome. Though surrounded by friends, there was little anyone could do for the man, and he died on the surface of Jouret IV.

That is, he was dead for a while. Altan Soong had other plans. While in a fugue-like state with Data, the android revealed to Picard that yes, he was dead, but he didn't have to stay that way. He could return to life, and he would take up residence in a golem body. 

When Picard opened his new cybernetic eyes, he found that he was a new man. This body was designed to be more or less identical to the one he had just vacated, sans defects in the brain. As he began to understand his new existence, his old body was locked away on Daystrom Station, where it never bothered anyone or did anything important ever again.


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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick