10 Star Trek Characters Who Came Back From The Dead

4. Lt. Worf

Star Trek Lower Decks Shax
CBS Media Ventures

Barrells will always be Worf's greatest nemesis, no matter how many encounters he has with a certain House of Duras. After all, despite Duras, Lursa, B'tor, and Toral all trying their 'best', none of them came close to achieving what one loose barrell managed in an afternoon. 

First, it fell from a height, breaking his spine. If that wasn't bad enough, a doctor of questionable Ethics came aboard the ship, promising the world. This was after Worf had asked Riker to kill him. It was a busy day. 

Ethics introduced the redundancies in Klingon physiology that allow them to bounce back from serious injury. Worf dies on the operating table, having had his spinal cord removed. When Dr Russell inserts the new one, his body shuts down. If he were any other species, it would have been curtains for the man. As it stands, by the gift of his birthright, Worf comes back.

It may have been a disturbing day for Dr Crusher, but at least Alexander got to hold his father's hand again.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick