10 Star Trek Villains Who Actually Won

3. Khan - Star Trek II: The Wrath Of Khan

Star Trek 3 The Search For Spock Christopher Lloyd Kruge
Paramount Pictures

For winning quotes alone, Khan has it in the bag. The Melville-quoting villain goes out in a blaze of hate and glory, choosing not to simply die a broken and bitter man, but to take as many others as he can with him.

The Genesis device is armed and counting down aboard the USS Reliant and the USS Enterprise is dead in the water. At best, she can crawl away, but there won't be sufficient time to avoid the Genesis shockwave.

Aboard the Enterprise, Spock commits the ultimate sacrifice to get the ship back up to working capacity, burning in poisionous plasma to get the engines back online.

Khan, unaware of any of this, issues his fateful last words and his breath catches in his throat. He watches Kirk's ship limp away and, as he dies, he is secure in the knowledge that if there is a hell, he may soon being seeing Kirk there.

While Spock does ensure that the ship reaches escape velocity, it is at the cost of his life. Khan may not have taken Kirk's life from him, but he took away the man who was more than a brother to him.

He hurt him.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick