10 Things We Learned From The Star Trek Lower Decks Trailer
1. Captain Of The Ship

Carol Freeman, as played by Dawnn Lewis, is shown here defending her crew from what seems to be zombie officers trying to attack them all. Phaser in hand, she is allowing her officers to get to safety. What brought this situation about? What does this mean for the Cerritos? And...did the new crew cause this incident to take place?
This franchise has delivered fantastic captains throughout the years, something that is continuing in Discovery and Picard. Georgiou, Pike and Rios are all fun, capable and commanding when they need to be. One hopes that Freeman is going to join those ranks of the great captains of Star Trek before too long.
It does remain to be seen how much of a role that she will have, however. Recent Trek seems to be moving away from the traditional Captain down style of storytelling, focusing more on the ensemble. This is very welcome, as it allows for a wider breadth of storytelling to take place. While Freeman may not be the star of the show, she certainly is important.
A role similar to that of Admiral Cornwell from Discovery would suit well - a meaty part without dominating every episode. Either way, excitement levels have most certainly been raised by this trailer!