10 Times Scotty Saved The Day In Star Trek

1. If His Grandmother Had Wheels She'd Be A Wagon

Star Trek Scotty

Star Trek III: The Search For Spock contains one of the best sequences from the movie series. The Enterprise, battered as she is, is required for one last job and, for that to happen, Scotty needs to make her operational again. This he achieves with relative ease - this is Scotty, remember. However, there are several complications he needs to factor in.

The first issue that is shown on-screen is that of the enormous space doors - doors that remain resolutely closed as the Enterprise approaches. Scotty works his hardest - reminding Kirk that he's not simply waiting until the last moment this time - and just a hair's breath shy of smashing into them, he overrides the locks and the doors slide open. The Enterprise barely fits through.

Step one.

The next issue to present itself is the elegant approach of the Excelsior - Starfleet's new golden child of a star ship. She is rumoured to be carrying a transwarp drive, something that will easily outstrip the Enterprise if it's true. She closes on the older vessel, with the smug Captain Styles warning Admiral Kirk that the latter's career is over.

Kirk ignores him and the Enterprise goes to warp. Styles smiles, orders the transwarp to come online - and it is reveal that Scotty took care of that before any of these events began. The Excelsior shuts down and a now smug Scotty hands vital componants to McCoy, laughing at the arrogance of youth, flying their old - but more reliable - ship on to the Planet Genesis.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick