10 Times Star Trek Reused Sets And Hoped You Wouldn't Notice

2. Federation HQ/The Courtroom

Star Trek Discovery Strange New Worlds Set Reused
CBS Media Ventures / Paramount Pictures

Once the USS Discovery warped into the future, Starfleet had to adapt to a new 32nd Century setting. Therefore, once the ship arrives at Federation Headquarters in People Of Earth, the crew and audience are treated to an astonishing sight. Surrounded by a distortion field, and several other Starfleet vessels, the Pax-class USS Federation stood upright, like a tower encircled in rings.

The ship could break into several smaller support craft to aid with evacuation, as was shown in Coming Home. The interior of the vessel was a distinctly circular structure, often comprising rings around a central, hollow space.

The look was so distinctive, however, that when it appears again in Strange New Worlds, in the episode Ad Astra Per Aspera, it is immediately recognizable.

The courtroom, at Starfleet headquarters, in which Una Chin-Reilly's trial takes place is a redress of this set. Much like several other entries on this list, the general shape is what gives it away almost immediately, though perhaps the biggest clue is the large circular space in the middle of the room. This, having served as a stellar map in Discovery, now only serves to keep the witness and prosecution as far away from the judges as possible. Despite its recognizable look, it was still fun to see where the USS Federation took its inspiration from!

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick