10 Times The Doctor Who Writers Must've Been High

2. An Unearthly Child - The TARDIS Landing

Yes, that title is correct. Even the first episode's writers, Anthony Coburn and C. E. Webber, must have been on drugs when they first devised the TARDIS dematerialising from Earth in the year 1963 and reappearing 100,000 years earlier in a time before civilisation. Someone one of the writers had definitely taken something mind-twisting, for sure - as an image of London crossfades away through swirling vortexes and howling sound effects that are sure to leave those seeing the episode for the first time with their hair standing on end and chills down their back. The fact that this takes a whole minute while its crew - Susan, The Doctor, Barbara Wright and Ian Chesterton - look lost, and then are knocked unconscious, before landing eerily on a seemingly deserted planet can be nothing less than a visual metaphor for a Doctor Who writer's bad experience with cannabis.

Guest hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.