10 Times The Doctor Who Writers Must've Been High

3. Inferno - The Dimensional Void

It's not just the modern writers that have taken large quantities of drugs to help them writer Doctor Who - it's a tradition that's been going back throughout the generations. How else can this bizarre montage of the Third Doctor being transported through a dimensional void be explained? It is certainly not the sort of thing to come from the mind of any right-thinking individual. The 70s were a different time, and Don Houghton probably had enough of a supply to write one of the best Doctor Who stories ever made. Travelling from our reality to an alternative one where the British Royal Family has been executed and the country is now under a fascist regime, the shift in tone is matched by strange visuals of the Doctor's travel. The wonky sound effects from Delia Derbyshire match the bug eyes that Pertwee give the audience before his face melts away like a reverse version of The Idiot's Lantern. If this wasn't born from some hallucinogenic, then drugs of some sort would have had to be introduced somewhere into the writers' studio.

Guest hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.