10 TV Shows You Thought Got Cancelled (But Weren't)


Citadel TV

Netflix's Arnold Schwarzenegger-starring spy comedy series FUBAR released to mixed reviews from critics, though it did nevertheless claim the #1 viewership spot during its first two weeks on release.

All the same, there was desperately little social media chatter about the show in the weeks that followed, suggesting that FUBAR would be yet another flash-in-the-pan streaming series which lacked the long-term engagement necessary for Netflix to grant it a renewal.

But in mid-June, barely three weeks after FUBAR premiered, the streamer did in fact quietly renew it for a second season, even if the announcement came with such little fanfare that you can't really be blamed for missing it.

Then again, with FUBAR being a card-carrying "Dad Show," its success may ultimately be less reliant on social media discourse from Millennials and Gen-Z, than their parents simply watching it and then... getting on with their lives afterwards.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.