10 TV Shows You Thought Got Cancelled (But Weren't)

8. Quantum Leap

Citadel TV

The initial response to news of a reboot of hit sci-fi series Quantum Leap was... not great, especially once original lead Scott Bakula confirmed he declined to appear in it.

And the first season received wildly mixed reviews from critics and fans alike, who felt that it struggled to live up to the brilliance of its predecessor or do much new or interesting with the series' formula.

With TV viewing figures dipping throughout the 18-episode first season, it felt like the writing was on the wall for NBC to can this one, and honestly, if you tried a few episodes of Quantum Leap before ducking out, that's probably what you assumed happened.

But no, Quantum Leap was renewed for a second season, whose first half recently finished airing. With the two big Hollywood strikes causing a major pause in production, the second half of season two is set to air sometime in 2024.

Given that season two's ratings have (so far) enjoyed a higher average than the first, it's also looking quite likely that it'll get renewed for a third.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.