10 TV Shows You Thought Got Cancelled (But Weren't)

7. Twisted Metal

Citadel TV

Peacock's Twisted Metal series - based on the hit vehicular combat game franchise of the same name - was a most pleasant surprise this past summer, turning out to be a far more entertaining ride than just about anyone expected following its aggressively mediocre marketing.

And though it was quickly reported that the show set an audience record for the streamer's comedy series, the radio silence in the months that followed - even accepting the Writers Guild of America strike that was ongoing at the time - left many viewers assuming that it wasn't coming back for more.

After all, the show's star leads and chaotic action couldn't be that cheap, and it would've shocked nobody if Twisted Metal was as such put on the chopping block.

But at the start of December, more than four months after all the series' episodes dropped, Anthony Mackie finally confirmed that it was indeed returning for season two.

For a show many had lost faith in from the moment the first trailer came out, that's quite the turnaround.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.