10 TV Shows You Thought Got Cancelled (But Weren't)

6. The Witcher

Citadel TV

Netflix's The Witcher faced a huge creative roadblock when star Henry Cavill announced his departure from playing lead character Geralt of Rivia at the end of its third season.

And things didn't get much better when it was confirmed that Liam Hemsworth would be taking over from Cavill - a relatively underwhelming choice to replace him, all things considered.

Hemsworth will play Geralt in the show's yet-to-be-filmed fourth season, which many fans naturally assumed would be the last, given the extreme likelihood that the show's viewership will take a massive dip without Cavill's involvement.

Basically, season four will just let the showrunners close out Geralt's arc and that's that, right?

Except, in a move few could've possibly anticipated, back in May the show's casting director Sophie Holland casually confirmed that season five has been given the greenlight by Netflix, and will shoot following a "short gap" after season four wraps sometime next year.

It's certainly a bold strategy, that Netflix is already invested in a fifth season no matter that the Hemsworth-led fourth could very well end up a massive ratings flop, no matter how good (or bad) it might be.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.