10 Unintentionally Funny Doctor Who Moments

6. Mr Halpen Becomes An Ood - Planet Of The Ood

Doctor Who The End Of Time the Master turkey

The concept of corrupt businessman Mr. Halpen being slowly turned into a member of the very species he is subjugating is an intriguing and horrifying one. The funny side is more to do with the execution than anything else.

First of all, Mr. Halpen is played by British comic actor Tim McInnery, perhaps best known for his role as the insufferable Captain Darling in Blackadder Goes Forth. This gives the transformation scene an inherent humour, as McInnery gurns wildly while the metamorphosis is taking place, complete with furious gargling.

The second point is that, once again, the special effects end up looking laughably fake, especially as McInnery vomits out Ood tentacles that were quite clearly added in later.

The blasé reaction of Ood Sigma to the completion of his masterplan is also pretty funny, as well as how quickly the Doctor and Donna's reactions go from total horror to only light confusion.

This is not a bad moment by any means. Balancing horror and comedy can be difficult, and this scene just tips a little further into comedy than it was meant to.

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Owen Davies hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.