10 Unintentionally Funny Doctor Who Moments

3. Orphan 55 - The Ending Monologue

Doctor Who The End Of Time the Master turkey

Political messages have been part of Doctor Who since the very beginning, with Dalek creator Terry Nation having confirmed that his creations were direct allegories for the Nazis. But regardless of what lesson you're trying to impart to your audience, the key is to weave that message into your narrative so that it doesn't overpower the story you're trying to tell.

Orphan 55 falls down so badly in this department that the only thing you can really do is laugh. The Thirteenth Doctor and her companions Ryan, Yaz and Graham find themselves in an intergalactic holiday resort threatened by monstrous 'Dregs' that roam the wasteland outside the complex.

It is revealed that the Dregs are actually future humans, that evolved into these beasts after a devastating war wiped out our species. This could could have been an interesting cautionary tale about what could happen if we don't take better care of our planet.

But instead, after our main characters escape back to the TARDIS, the Doctor delivers a ham-fisted monologue about the dangers of pollution and war that even the most staunch activist would consider on the nose. This is followed by a hard cut to a Dreg roaring directly at the camera.

It doesn't help that Praxeus, just a few episodes later, delivers much the same message in a far more compelling way.

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Owen Davies hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.