10 Weirdest Adverts Featuring Star Trek Actors

2. Star Trek: The Video Game - The Gorn Wants A Rematch

For Star Trek: The Video Game, released to coincide with Star Trek Into Darkness, William Shatner appeared alongside the greatest villain he ever faced. No, it was not a certain genetically engineered superman, although the chests were nearly inch for inch. Kirk's old foe the Gorn from Arena sits on the couch with him, attempting to defeat the man at the video game.

Quickly upsetting the Gorn, Shatner is forced to stand and fight, hand to hand, like in the old days. The Gorn lifts a couch cushion, which probably had more weight than the 'rocks' that he tossed at Kirk in the episode, chucking it straight at the actor. Shatner then retaliates with his signature double punch to the back and a double slap to the temples.

Within seconds, both man and Gorn have to take a breather as they are both clearly getting on in years and are unable to fight as they once did. They settle for having their digital avatars duke it out on-screen, in what was, unfortunately, a very low rated video game overall!


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick