4. Inanimate Objects that are Decidedly Not
The Doctor Who creative team loves to mess around with our sense of what is ordinary and what is extraordinary. Common objects are never to be taken at face value. The Tardis itself is a simple police box when viewed from the outside, but another world within, containing a living consciousness who spans the whole of space and time. Occupation of physical space in Doctor Who is usually not to be trusted as things can change depending on which side we perceive them from. The space within the Tardis consistently shifts rooms come and go, sometimes theres a library, sometimes a swimming pool. Time within the Tardis is not linear - as we learn in The Doctors Wife(series 6) she has archived control rooms from many different regenerations of the Doctor, not just the ones weve seen, since for her they exist across all of time and not in a linear progression. Power of Three (series 7) gives us a mess of small black cubes scattered around the world. They are around so long without actually doing anything that people take them blithely into their homes and workplaces without a second thought. Its interesting that at one point the Doctor states that a cube has seven sides including the inside. We tend to think of space in terms of physical objects but we forget about the parts we cant see the space between the atoms.