10 Worst Doctor Who Episodes Of All Time
7. The Curse Of The Black Spot

A second Smith/Gillan/Darvill entry, but none of the actors can be blamed for this shipwreck. The idea of the Doctor and his gang visiting pirates on the high seas was a bit of a push to begin with, but goes down the utter nonsensical path real quick.
After arriving upon said pirate ship, The Doctor, Rory and Amy encounter a mysterious mermaid type creature who is mysteriously tracking the pirates and taking them away anytime a black spot appears on their hands. The lack of any real threat in this storyline is not helped by the fact that the black spot is clearly just a texta mark, killing the tension dead.
A moment where a black spot appears on Rory's hand adds temporary tension, but by this stage Rory had been in perilous situations so many times that it's hard to take the threat seriously. We don't even get a swashbuckling finale that the premise promises, rather a visit to a hospital that proves to be terribly anti-climatic, with the whole affair proving to be a simple misunderstanding. Urghh.