10 Worst Doctor Who Episodes Of All Time
3. The Trial Of A Timelord
While many poor episodes (including number one on this list) have the decency of wrapping up its story in one episode, this turkey lasted a whole season! As detailed in the outstanding documentary Trials and Tribulations, Doctor Who was in a very precarious position at the end of Colin Baker's first tenure, being placed on an indefinite hiatus. Despite the protestations of many Whovians, including the woeful 'Doctor in Distress' collaboration, the show looked to be dead.
The BBC finally relented and allowed Eric Saward to team up with legendary writer Robert Holmes to write the new season, which was effectively one long episode. The producer at the time, John Nathan-Turner, was not happy with the ending and demanded a rewrite. When Holmes died after a long illness, Saward was furious with the producer's demands and refused to allow their script to be used. A new scriptwriting team, ironically with the surnames Baker, was called in to write new episodes in just over a week, and incredibly they got the job done in time.
As one could guess, the results were a mess, an incoherent storyline with inconsistencies throughout and a throughly unsatisfactory conclusion where everyone lives happily ever after. An example of the shambles was the 'death' of long term companion Peri, who despite being clearly killed on screen is later declared to be married to a prince. What the absolute...