10 Worst Doctor Who Performances Ever

4. Jeanna Crowley (Vena) - Timelash

If you rearrange the letters of Timelash, they rather pertinently make up the word 'Lame Sh*t', which pretty well sums up how the vast majority of fans regard this particular episode. Vena, played by Jeanna Crowley, is one of the reasons why. Trying to articulate the depths of just how low this performance went is a tough ask, but this excerpt by John Bensalhia cannot be beaten.
Crowley glides her way through the story with the expression of a woman who's just been thwacked on the head with a frying pan. Worse still, she reads her lines with all the emotion of an ironing board. €œHe's dangling on the edge of oblivion!€ is a bad enough line, but in Crowley's hands, it's made doubly worse in that she shows no concern whatsoever.
Bad episode. Bad character. Truly terrible acting.

I have been described as a sportsman with the brain of an athlete and the body of a scientist. Since it was established that playing wouldn't work out for me I have taken to writing.